

Mac For Schools

The Mac revolution has finally reached the Irish classroom. Irish schools are now deploying Mac systems in their classrooms more than ever. The reasons for this are simple:

Reliability - The average Mac system requires far less on-going maintenance than a Windows-based PC.

Cost-Effectiveness - The longevity of a Mac, in general, exceeds that of a Windows based PC.

Seamless Connectivity - The Mac environment offers seamless connectivity to your schools wireless network. Several peripheral devices such as cameras can connect to your Mac straight out-of-the box.

Seamless Creativity - Your students can use the award-winning Final Cut Pro for movie production, pod-casts of lectures from world renowned speakers and GarageBand for school music productions.

Mac can run Windows - Macs can now run Windows. You and your students can now enjoy the best of both worlds.

We offer:

  • Adding Macs to your school’s wired or wireless network

  • Making sure your Macs communicate with your school’s server

  • Mac Hardware Repair

  • Mac Software Install and Support

  • General on-going support